Terms and Conditions
The website, that can be accessed at (hereafter the Website), was designed for promotionnal purposes to present the audiovisual content produced by the company
ELOA PROD (hereafter «
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to the conditions the user can access the Website and can use the information and the content the Website deals with.
For purposes of these Terms of Use, the terms defined below have the following meanings:
User : Any person that can access to the Website.
Professional Users : Persons acting on behalf of one or more specialized or general audience media, whose registration has been approved and confirmed by ELOAPROD.
Content: Content of any kind whether or not animateur, sequences of images, with or without sound, of sound clips, photographs, texts reproduced and available on the Website including within the Professional Access
Professionnal Access : secured area of the Website, which access is exclusively restricted to the Professional Users.
Website : website operated by
ELOA PROD that can be accessed at or at any domain name
ELOA PROD will use.
Any use or consultation of the Website, and even more any subscription to the Professional Access, assumes that the User must agree these Terms and Conditions. The User is invited to read carefully these Termes of Use, to print them and to keep a copy of them.
The Website is in progress.
ELOA PROD may change any content of the Website, and/or to change these Terms and Conditions, in all or part, at any time.
The new Terms and Conditions will be in effect from their publication in the Website. The User is invited to read the Terms and Conditions at any connection to the Wbesite, especially if he subscribed as Professional User. If The User does not accept these new Terms and Conditions, he shall exit the Website.
4.1 The User can freely browse the Content available on the Website, provided that the User may not infringe the intellectual proprerty rights as defined in 4.4 hereafter. The Professional Access is restricted to the Professional Users in the conditions set in article 5 hereafter.
ELOA PROD will regularly update the Contents when it will consider it necessary.
4.3 The User is well-informed and accepts that connexions data with the Website will be collected only in a statistical purpose. No data that specifies a name will be collected.
4.4 The Contents available on the Website are the entire property of
ELOA PROD or of its licensors.
Any reproduction and/or representation and/or broadcasting of these Contents, even in part, whatever media may be used, is strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of
5.1 The Professional Access is strictly reserved to journalists and to any press participants, whatever may be the media (tv, press, radio , web…) they work for. The Professional Access is granted only for the purpose of the professional activity of the Professional Users so that they may illustrate their report and, more widely any type of information delivered to public.
5.2 Before they can access to the Professional Access, the Professional User must first set up an account by registering hilmself in the page of the Website dedicated to. Then this registration has to be confirmed by
ELOA PROD reserves the right to refuse any registration of persons if it deems that his business or motivation are not consistent with the purpose of this Professional Access.
ELOA PROD will not have to bring any justification.
5.3 To propose his registration to ELAO PROD, the Professional User has to complete the following required information on the registration form :
- Name of the Company :
- Name :
- First Name :
- Email :
- Phone Number. :
5.4 A user code, strictly for personnal use, will be sent to the Professional User by email confirmation when he registered. This code is strictly confidential. The Professional User shall not share it or transfer it to someone. The Professional User shall use this code with respect with the Terms and Conditions.
The Professional User warrants
ELOA PROD against any deceitful use and/or source of harm of his identifying data, regardless or whether he is fraudulent, by his own action or by action of any other party.
ELOA PROD may not be held liable for any authorized use of the Professional Users'identifying data and/or identity.
If th Professional User notices any fraudulent use of the identifying data, he must immediatly inform
ELOA PROD of this by email at the following email adress
ELOA PROD has filed a declaration with France's National Data Protection and Privacy Commission (CNIL) to the effect that it processes data supplied by the Professional Users.
This data is collected in order to be able to carry out statiscal studies.
ELOA PROD will not store this data after the Professional User account may be closed.
Pursuant to the Data Protectio and Privacy Act of January 6, 1978 Amended by Act N° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 Professional Users have the right to consult and correct the data in their personnal account.
ELOA PROD will never provide this data to any third parties.
5.6 The Profesionnal User agrees to use the Website only for a professionnal purpose.
The Profesionnal User agrees not to use any technology intended to disorganize, diminish or prevent the normal functioning of the Website.
5.7 The content available in the Professional Area can be downloaded by Professional Users for the sole purpose of illustrations of articles or communications (periodicals, web press..) that they will write or that the Professional Users will contribute to. Therefore, Contents available can only be reproduced and represented by Professional Users for a stricly professionnal use, provided that the copyright mentions corresponding to each Content may be reproduce too. The Professional User is well-informed and agrees that he will not modify the Content in any manner.
ELOA PROD reserves the right to close the User's account without any prior notice, in case of infringement of any obligation set forth in the present Terms and Conditions.
ELOA PROD may also initiate proceedings against the User.
6. Trademarks
ELOA PROD is the sole owner (or the sole licensee) of the trademarks, distinctive or not, available on the Website, especailly the trademark «
ELOA PROD », hereafter the Trademark ».
ELOA PROD does not authorize nor license the User any right to use the Trademark. The User agree not to reproduce the Tradmeark without the prior written consent of
7.1 Disclaimer
Despite all the care taken in publishing the Website and its regular updating,the Website may contain inaccuracies and/or typographical errors in the information and /or
Content presented. Changes and updates are regularly made on the Website by
ELOA PROD can not be held responsible for the quality,accuracy, timeliness, order or completeness of Content available on the Website or liable for any obligation to up date the Content.
ELOA PROD cannot guarantee that the Website will function continuously without error or alteration and cannot guarantee that access to all or part of the Content will be possible in particular in cas of :
- improper use of the Website due to inappropriate equipment
- a malfunction attributable to User's internet service provider
- overloading of the Internet
- force majeur
ELOA PROD may temporarily shut down the Website in order to upgrade it or to perform mainteance. If possible,
ELOA PROD will do its best efforts to inform the User in advance.
7.3 Links to external websites
The Site may contain images and links to other websites or other Internet sources managed exclusively by third parties (hereinafter the "External Websites").
ELOA PROD has no control over External Websites and disclaim responsibility in particular for the content and about the links in the External Websites.
ELOA PROD is not responsible for webcasting of any data received from an External Website, or even if External Websites do not work, or not evil or damaging information systems of the User.
These links are offered to the User by
ELOA PROD for the convenience of the User, and the inclusion of any link does not imply that
ELOA PROD approves the content of External Websites nor imply any legal relationship of any kind whatsoever between
ELOA PROD and operators of External Websites. Connecting the user to any other site linked to the Website is through a hyperlink to its own risk. The User has to comply with all applicable regulations to External Websites as well as their respective terms of use.
The Website and thses Termes of use are governed by french law.
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or enforcement of these Terms of Use, and any and all disputes relating to or in connection with access or use of the Website and / or any item accessible on the Website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.
ELOA PROD © - 2011 | Web agency: DTSEWEB